lokasi : minimarket kotabaru
niatan : beli nestle ( air mineral nya ) dingin karna haus kebangetan.
*ke frezeer nya, ngambil 2 botol medium nestle ( niatan yg 1,5lt tp lagi kosong ) *
* liat UC1000 (jadi pengen dan perlu) akhirnya ngambil 2 botol*
*jalan ke kasir*
#suaramisterius : ekhem
aku : *celingukan*
#suaramisterius : ekheeeeemdibelakanghuk.
aku : *noleh ke frezzer* *menemukan ternyata suara tersebut adalah coca cola*
Coco : tumben dong ga nyenggol2 sini. biasanya akoh yang kamoh prioritaskan. sombong ihh..
aku : not now,cok. aku lagi diet. kamu bikin aku tambah gendut.
Coco : alaaaah ga kok. biasa juga kamu minumnya aku, dan udah gendut ini. sebotol ga ngaruh la.
aku : ngga. ngga bisa. aku dan kamu ga bisa bersatu lagi cok.
Coco : *terusmemanggil*
Aku : *mencobabertahan*
Coco : *merayu*
Aku : *kuatiman*
*celinguk lagi ke belakang*
*balik badan*
* nyerah *
ngga bisa tahan dengan godaan coca cola.
Tuesday, August 30, 2011
Friday, August 26, 2011
Thursday, August 25, 2011
Thursday, August 18, 2011
either its about music festival or his mother, its still the most romantic song ever
This song was inspired by the 1967 Monterey Pop Festival, a concert held during 3 days of the "Summer of Love" (1967) featuring The Who, The Byrds, Janis Joplin, and many others. Attended by about 200,000 music fans, it happened 2 years before Woodstock. Jimi wrote about the atmosphere at the festival as if it was a girl. He described the feeling as "Everybody really flying and in a nice mood." He named it "Little Wing" because he thought it could just fly away.The guitar on the song is played in a very unique style. Jimi frets the roots of chords with his thumb, and then elaborates on them. It often involves shifts of quartile to tertian harmony and vice versa. In theory it is quite similar to the Jazz style of chord melody. (thanks, Ken - Tigard, OR)The percussion instrument that sounds like a xylophone is a glockenspiel, an instrument popular in marching bands containing steel bars that are stuck with hammers to produce notes.Jimi ran his guitar through a Leslie speaker to create an unusual sound. The Leslie speaker was designed for organs and contains a rotating paddle that distorts the sound.In 1963 Jimi recorded a song that may have been a precursor to this. The song "Fox," which was one of his first recordings was played with sax player Lonnie Youngblood and sounded very similar to this.This is one of the songs that had to be remixed just before the album was released when one of the master tapes went missing. No one ever found out what happened to the original tape but its been speculated that Jimi either accidentally left the tape in a taxi or purposely disposed of the tape because he wasn't satisfied with its sound.This song, along with "Spanish Castle Magic," are the only songs Hendrix ever performed in concert from his Axis: Bold as Love album. He played this live only 8 times. (thanks, Bertrand - Paris, France)Hendrix has described this as being one of the few he likes from this album. He said "Little Wing" is "like one of those beautiful girls that come around sometimes." Hendrix enjoyed writing slow songs because it was easier to put emotion into them.The same day they recorded "Layla," Eric Clapton and Duane Allman recorded this as a tribute to Jimi, who was one of their guitar heroes. Hendrix died 9 days later. He never heard their version of his song, which was released in 1970 on the Derek and the Dominos album, Layla And Other Assorted Love Songs.Irish pop band The Corrs covered this on their Live Unplugged album. (thanks, Nick - Cambridge, England)
from songfacts
but in the other hand, many people say Little wings was made for his ( Jimi Hendrix ) mother. that She died when he was 16, and didn't get much time with her, because his parents had split and he was raised by his Dad. He had dreams about her. She's walking through the clouds.
and some others said Jimi write this song for his girlfriend.
well, though all of that version, Little Wing was the most romantic song ever on my version.
The Corrs cover. they made this song really differnt and fabs!
Gugun and blues shelter cover
Stevie Ray Vaughan cover
and of course, the master version ( its hard to meah to find his real live version )
Tuesday, August 16, 2011
Kepada Subuh
yang tidak pernah marah saat disalahkan ketika telat menyambut pagi.
yang tidak pernah mengeluh bahunya sebagai tempat bersandar dan menampung tangisan di hari yang melelahkan.
yang ringan tangan memberikan sesuatu untuk ditulis.
yang menjadi orang ketiga disaat dua orang tengah bercengkrama di udara.
yang menjadi waktu yang paling menyenangkan dan menenangkan setelah sore.
kepada subuh,
yang tidak pernah mengeluh bahunya sebagai tempat bersandar dan menampung tangisan di hari yang melelahkan.
yang ringan tangan memberikan sesuatu untuk ditulis.
yang menjadi orang ketiga disaat dua orang tengah bercengkrama di udara.
yang menjadi waktu yang paling menyenangkan dan menenangkan setelah sore.
kepada subuh,
Sunday, August 14, 2011
saturday night #krezimekap!
just doin random make up, and taking picture by webcam.
just try to cheers my self up.
just try to cheers my self up.
~pigeon compact powder pink
~mustika ratu brown & gold eyeshadow
~aubeau blush on no.2
~aubeau liquid eyeliner black
~revlon superlustrous lipstick 117
~maybelline magnum volume express mascara
just for fun!
Saturday, August 13, 2011
Black Eyed Peas - The Time (Dirty Bit)
i superb love this song.
i love the beat, the video the pixel the lyric, i love the atmosphere of this song.
mungkin bawaan suntuk kebangetan yang sekarang sekarang lagi dirasain ya. jadi kalo dengerin ini,bawaan pengen ngelepasin diri, ngebebasin diri, ketawa tawa, menggelinjang, ngga peduli waktu, ngga mikirin masalah apapun, LEPAS. settingannya sih bukan club kayak di video nya. settingan yang aku mau pub atau kafe atau open gigs atau apa saja dengan live band yang rock n'roll atau rockabilly atau reggae atau funk atau punk atau apa saja yang bikin kelinjangan, berkeringat, dan segala atmosfir dari lagu ini.
Yang kebayang sih kalo ngga kafe bintang ( walau ngga jejogedan tapi aku ngerasa lepas banget disana, feeling that i never having before :D ), atau gigs2 yang disebut di atas.
Semoga the (my) time datang secepatnya. benar benar membutuhkan.
mr.R phobia
aku punya ketakutan baru.
aku takut ke kantor dosen kampus. takut ketemu mr.R. takut ketemu seluruh dosen perdata. takut ketemu mbak yomi. dan takut ketemu mahasiswa - mahasiswa hari itu di kantor dosen.
Hari itu, hari aku ngelakuin hal terbodoh sepanjang sejarah aku kuliah. nangis di depan mr.R yang diketahui bahkan disaksikan orang orang yanng disebutkan di atas. Sumpah, tiap kepikir ini kayak langsung ada yang konslet di otak, langsung gelisah ngga tenang. dan sialnya hal ini kepikiran, keinget terus - terusan. Kenapa sampe gelisah, karena mau ngga mau ngga peduli aku takut dan malu setengah mati aku HARUS ke kantor dosen secepatnya. HARUS nemuin mr.R itu lagi secepatnya, buat ngajuin judul skripsi. Mikirinnya aja udah bikin mo nangis, er okey , nangis. Bener bener takut,dan kalo mau ngikutin ketakutan aku, aku ngga bakal nginjek itu kantor lagi sampe sii mr.R pensiun, dimana itu sepertinya bakal kejadian paling ngga 10 tahun lagi. Aku takut. Rasanya mesti ada yang ngedampingin aku, nemenin aku buat ke kantor dosen. Tapi semesta juga tau aku di kampus sendirian terus.
Aku tau sih mesti gimana, aku mesti ngelawan rasa takut, rasa malu dan bersikap santai kayak ngga pernah terjadi hal memalukan. Tapi buat ngelakuinnya bener bener ngga segampang ngetiknya di blog.
Aku mesti gimana.
Friday, August 12, 2011
" Kadang menyenangkan mencintai diatas beda.
Aku mengartikan “Bismillah”-ku sebagai “Dalam nama Bapa, Putera, dan Roh Kudus”;-mu “Alhamdullilah”-ku sebagai “Puji Syukur pada Yesus”;mu dan “Assalamualaikum”-ku sebagai “Shallom, salam damai”-mu.
Aku suka caramu mengingatkanku agar tak lupa sholat. Dan betapa kamu berterimakasih pada-ku sudah menemanimu melewatkan malam Natal di gereja.
Comment seseorang terhadap thread di Kaskus mengenai pernikahan beda agama. Terlalu indah untuk dilewatkan.
Ini linknya: http://www.kaskus.us/showthread.php?t=8637838
Ini linknya: http://www.kaskus.us/showthread.php?t=8637838
_________________________________________________yang saya repost dari tumblr. vokalis littlecoustic http://tautanrasa.tumblr.com/
sinner prayer.
Dear God.
for this time, please hold me. Please.
you know how im feelin' this time. you the only one who know me for sure. you know how broken i am now, really do till' i wrote down like this on my page. you know that for a long time i doubt even give up to asking you something. because so many from my wishing didnt came true. although i try, i really try to be good person for everyone. although theres no one care bout me. although no one want to know what im feeling although no one asking me about what i want although i have no one to wipe my tears although i have no anyone shoulder to laying down my head. no one. not my fam too.
Why i have to know him?! Why i had to know a person who hurted me so deep so bad so.... rgh.
God, this is a prayer from a sinner. For this time, i really give up. please let this feelin go.
God, im begging you. its really really hurted. Please release me from this feelin.
Dear God, please hold me now. i really need your arms your shoulder. Please hold this sinner. Please read this sinner prayer.
for this time, please hold me. Please.
you know how im feelin' this time. you the only one who know me for sure. you know how broken i am now, really do till' i wrote down like this on my page. you know that for a long time i doubt even give up to asking you something. because so many from my wishing didnt came true. although i try, i really try to be good person for everyone. although theres no one care bout me. although no one want to know what im feeling although no one asking me about what i want although i have no one to wipe my tears although i have no anyone shoulder to laying down my head. no one. not my fam too.
Why i have to know him?! Why i had to know a person who hurted me so deep so bad so.... rgh.
God, this is a prayer from a sinner. For this time, i really give up. please let this feelin go.
God, im begging you. its really really hurted. Please release me from this feelin.
Dear God, please hold me now. i really need your arms your shoulder. Please hold this sinner. Please read this sinner prayer.
nasgem amak angsoduo
udah berapa hari ini saya ngidamin nasi gemuk amak angso duo. tapi siaulnya ngga dapet ijin keluar. lha gimana ngga, ini nasi gemuk adanya cuma dari jam 2 sampe jam 4 SUBUH. Pertama tau ini tempat dari Pedho. Dia udah sering banget sebelumnya ngumbar2 soal nasgem amak ini. cuma ya gimana mungkin bisa keluar jam segitu. nah pada suatu masa aku ditinggal sendirian di rumah, orang serumah pada kemanaaa gitu lah. jadilah menyusun rencana brilian untuk pergi ke sana. dan emang ueenaaaakkk!!!!
dengan suwiran ayam, telor rebus, emping dan kuah kare. :9
![]() |
ini kopi PAS banget. tidak menemukan kata kata lain. |
sebenarnya tempatnya biasa banget, tapi super klasik. barengan dengan si amak ada kakek2 cina yang jual teh sama kopi. teh sama kopi nya aduuuuuhhh... PAS banget!!!! harganya cuma 2ribu perak pula.
itu warung sih sebenarnya tempat sarapannya penjual2 sayur di angso duo itu,cuma kayaknya udah lumayan terkenal itu tempat, jadi kadang nemu aja anak anak muda nya.
doakan subuh ini saya berhasil membujuk rayu agar boleh keluar dan mendapatkannya. :D
Thursday, August 11, 2011

im forget to post this.
so, 2 days before we left Desa Perdamaian, place wheres we spended 2 greatest months of our life for kukerta, we got farewell letters from Dony's students.
they wrote things that make us 'mengharubiru'.
hidup seperti canvas begitu pula kulit
tattoo itu seperti mencoba mengubah rasa sakit menjadi seni. seperti pelarian. pelarian yang tidak merugikan orang lain di dalamnya. seperti pelarian. pelarian hati melalui kulit dengan jarum sebagai media, lalu menghasilkan suatu karya. -M-
kode produksi. yang tidak begitu rapih. :(
jam 7 hari ketujuh 29 oktober 1989
thinking to make 3rd'O (read: 3rd October) , but "berhentidi18" was enough to represent 3rd'O. "berhentidi18" really enough to represent the whole great things in my life. in that greatest age. and "berhentidi18" are the next things in myeah.
hail blog.
you are the only one i'v got now. yep, pathetic.
i'v so many list to do today. i should go to campus and try ( because im not sure that i could fix my scores problems ) to fixed my scores by meet some lecturer, but im to scary to meet them.
i should printed my cv and sending it to 2 radio stations, wheres i try to apply to get in there as announcer. i had to busying my day.
i should go to my friend's to printed out my rest of "laporan individu".
i should go to another friend's to borrowed her tugas praktek peradilan perdata.
i should get my ass off from y bed.
all i have to do, i should moving on.
in fact, i still in my bed. and just saying PATHETIC to my self.
i should refresh my life.
but hows?
im all alone.
hati yang sakit tifus.
aku kira dia sudah siap.
aku kira dia sudah cukup kuat.
aku kira dia sudah cukup kokoh.
ternyata belum.
malam ini dia masih merasa sakit.
semoga lekas sembuh wahai hati.
sembuh saja lah dulu karna untuk pulih akan sangat lama.
mungkin permanent, seperti tifus.
tapi tak apa, hadapi saja.
aku kira dia sudah cukup kuat.
aku kira dia sudah cukup kokoh.
ternyata belum.
malam ini dia masih merasa sakit.
semoga lekas sembuh wahai hati.
sembuh saja lah dulu karna untuk pulih akan sangat lama.
mungkin permanent, seperti tifus.
tapi tak apa, hadapi saja.
jangan mengetuk hati telah larut
bertahun menunggu, terjatuh, bangkit, menunggu, terjatuh, bangkit, menunggu, dan selalu berharap. dan selalu berdoa agar rasa itu hilang karna proses menunggu-terjatuh-bangkit-menunggu itu sangat menyakitkan. di saat doa terkabul. rasa terlupa. hal yang kau inginkan itu malah datang. dan kau rasa terlalu terlambat ia datang disaat kau perlahan sudah bisa melepaskan. tapi ada yang berbisik di kepala, kau merasa sayang untuk dilepas, karna ini yang bertahun kau inginkan.dan bisikan lain datang, kau mengalami proses sakit yang panjang untuk ini, untuk melupakan. lalu rasa sakit pun menang. karna kau lelah bila mengulang proses itu lagi.
walau bimbang, kau berharap ini benar. kau melakukan hal yang tepat.
walau menyakitkan. sangat. tapi biar, sakit sudah menjadi teman. bahkan di kulit.
semoga ini tepat.
situs 4shared akan diblokir Tiffie. Tenang, masih ada banyak cara untuk mencari/mendengarkan lagu Indonesia lama yg pendokumentasiannya juga buruk sekali. Apakah pemerintah peduli soal ini juga? 4shared adalah salah satu situs tempat saya belajar musik Indonesia tempo dulu.
situs 4shared akan diblokir Tiffie. Tenang, masih ada banyak cara untuk mencari/mendengarkan lagu Indonesia lama yg pendokumentasiannya juga buruk sekali. Apakah pemerintah peduli soal ini juga? 4shared adalah salah satu situs tempat saya belajar musik Indonesia tempo dulu.
_______________________________________________________nge re-publish dari sini
_______________________________________________________nge re-publish dari sini
Monday, August 8, 2011
it could be so nice grows old with you...

I wanna make you smile whenever you're sad
Carry you around when your arthritis is bad
All I wanna do is grow old with you
I'll get your medicine when your tummy aches
Build you a fire if the furnace breaks
Oh it could be so nice, growing old with you
I'll miss you
Kiss you
Give you my coat when you are cold
Need you
Feed you
Even let ya hold the remote control
I could be the man who grows old with you
I wanna grow old with you
________________________________________________________AdamSandler - grow old with you.
i always cry everytime seen old couple pictures.like this early early morning..
Saturday, August 6, 2011
Friday, August 5, 2011
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